
10 Art Reviews

2 w/ Responses

Another cute art from you. NICE!

So cute. I love everything here. Keep it up

Nice art as always. I'm not a fan of inflation, or countryballs, but just suporting you. I really liked a preggo arts that you have, they're really nice. And it's nice to see.you improving. I remember to substibe on 2020, or even on 2019 and now I see that you're greatly improved your work. And just a a little question. So I want to post some of my work somewhere, cant you recomend some platforms?

Really nice art. Love everything here. Kinda bad that you have a small fanbase here

chrisguy3 responds:

Thanks for enjoying my art. My Pixiv and Twitter both have higher follower counts; Newgrounds is still pretty niche when it comes to pregnancy content in general. But I don't really mind since I'm not super active here anyways.

Cute. And little question are we invited to the castle or just straight up break in?

I have all three icons: Stop asian hate, Pride month and BLM badge. Now Im a tolerant god. I really love playing for the revenant because he has the best heilroom. This braid is simply unmatched, and when he sharpens it, it's just a thrill.

Yes yes yes yes YES (Wait it's a JOJO REFERENCE!?). It's remembering me one of your old works.

I love when you posting a lot of arts in week. It's warms the soul. And this gun have cool details. I really miss your art's with detailed guns. I hope that your art's would be popular

Seriously you always make really good art's. You have good attention to detail and is very pleasing to the eye. At least for my eye. Here for you some ukrainian words.Я бажаю щоб в тебе було все добре та багато креативних ідей. (I bury you all the good stuff of creative ideas in you.)

I have for you idea. Can you draw britan because you had only 1 art with her.(Sorry for my english because I'm ukrainian and my english is bad😔)

Ech0Chamber responds:

I've had plans for them, but haven't fully gone through with it yet.

Joined on 4/27/21

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